KEA Advisors can assist your dealership with:
Used Trucks
Cash is King – always. Having cash in the bank – now and growing in the future - is always rule 1 with any business. The mission of KEA Advisors is to increase PROFIT for commercial dealerships by transforming their business operations to best in class. The concepts of maximizing total absorption while having an accurate and high velocity balance sheet are our core beliefs.
A relationship with KEA Advisors will increase cash flow now and in the future.
A KEA engagement from start to finish looks like this.

Diagnostic Health Check
Our virtual department and dealership Diagnostic Health Checks provide detailed analysis of:
gross profit increase
expense reduction
asset performance improvement
waste reduction
internal control
Based on the results of the Diagnostic Health Check we will collaborate with you to tailor an assessment specific to your needs and wants.
In a discovery we will lead your team to:
Baseline your current situation
Identify your performance gaps and the estimated performance impact
Investigate and identify root causes of gaps and potential solutions
Identify cultural obstacles within your dealership
Understand your dealership vision, mission and values
Diagnostics results
Current structure, processes, reports
Current financial statements
Strengths and weaknesses
Performance gaps
PROFIT opportunity
Process and workflow structure
DMS and other IT Utilization
Leadership capacity and capability
Customized correction
Based on the diagnostic check and assessment, a customized correction will be designed for you.
KEA Corrections are developed from the results of the diagnostic check and assessment. It is customized to your needs and includes:
Deliverables and Implementation based on desired outcomes
Extensive operational, change management and leadership education for your team
A defined project and expected results schedule along with a consistent feedback loop between your team and KEA to measure and maintain progress of your project
Preventive Maintenance
Your dealership continues to change during and after a customized Correction. Technologies are updated and personnel come and go. These factors, along with the ever changing market makes continuous improvement imperative. A Preventive Maintenance engagement will maintain and grow the results of the Correction investment.