Mack and Volvo Certified
Uptime Dealership Strategic Excellence Alliance

Event Dates: March 24th - 25th, 2020
Venue: Volvo Trucks Communication Center in the Private Dining Room. 7900 National Service Road Greensboro, NC 27409
Transportation: A rental car is advised but registrants may choose to UBER/Lyft to and from the events.
Lodging: A special room rate of $108 a night has been arranged at the Courtyard Greensboro Airport located at 7811 National Service Road, Greensboro, NC 27409. The rate is available from March 23rd - 25th, 2020. Click here to book your group rate for MVCUDSEA Last Day to book is Monday March 2, 2020
Agenda: (subject to change)​
Day 1: March 24th
8:30 AM - Introductions
9:00 AM - Significant events regarding MV, CUD
Service department business overview
Members share two significant events that have occurred during the past 30 days, one overall industry and one specific business-related?
11:00 AM - Group discussion - Issue/challenge/opportunity processing
Noon – Working Lunch, Key performance indicator review. Review KEA compilation of stats, metrics and correlations.
2:30 PM - Discuss definitions, drivers of each, possible structure needs, etc.
Discussion needed for content, finding correlations between dealership financial data and MV CUC data supplied. This is the foundation for this group and needs to be better than each data set on its own. Need to develop how we present it, on-line, Pulse type access, other?
Day 2: March 25th
8:20 AM - Participants presentations, Discussion and participant prepared overview with successes and obstacles encountered?
11:00 AM - Calendar of future events, set dates and topics and assignments, (Homework)
Noon - Group business discussion, biggest take-away, Action planning, Homework self-assignments.
2:30 PM – Workshop conclusion